
What does the Hypnotist include in their Show package?

With a little research you may have found that some companies include extras such as microphones, dinner music, extra playing time, and/or Disc Jockey services, and opening acts like comedians or Magicians with their fee. Each company offers different inclusions with their packages and therefore, it is vitally important that you discuss your specific needs with your entertainer and determine with them if there is to be additional charges to you. Again, make sure everything is written in your contract.

The Hypnotist should not be bringing in equipment after the guests have begun to arrive. However, certain circumstances do not allow the entertainer access to the venue. Some venues have time restrictions on when they can arrive to set-up. In order to avoid this issue please contact your venue manager or their policy regarding this matter.

All Professional Hypnotists should be using current professional quality sound equipment.

Background music is excellent to create atmosphere prior to the show and your

Hypnotist may have a specific format for their show and/or may be able to tailor their format specifically for your event. Dinner music is also a plus where your function has dinner.

Show lengths vary with each hypnotist and many Hypnotists offer varying lengths of shows depending on your event. It is common for Hypnotists to have more than one booking in a day and is important to have your event start at the time agreed upon.

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